New;W> 27.10.09 md;W vdJ Kd;dhs; jkpo; NguhrpupaUKk;-jw;Nghija ‘Gjpa thzpfk;’; Mrpupauhd [dhg;. Kfk;kJ `_ird; mtu;fs; jd; kfd; mg;Jy; ufPk; jpUkzj;jpw;F miog;Gf; nfhLg;gjpw;fhf te;jtuplk; Ngrpf; nfhz;bUe;jNghJ> mtu; nfhLj;j nra;jp mjpu;r;rp jUk;gb ,Ue;jJ. mJ vd;d? jdJ gj;jpupf;iff;F tpsk;guk; thq;fr; nry;Yk; NghJ 90 rjtPj K];ypk;fs; tpahghupahfNt cs;sdu;. Rkhu; gj;J rjtPjk; jhd; cw;gj;jpahsu;fshfTk;> njhopo; Kidtu;fshfTk; cs;sdu; vd;whu;.
mtu; nrhd;d jftiy itj;J vz;z miyfis Xl tpl;lgpd;G-ek;ktu; rk;ghjpf;fr; nrhy;Yk; gonkhop> “jpiu flNyhbAk; jputpak; NjL” vd;gJ jhd;. Mdhy; may; kd;dpy; nrd;wtu;fs; glF Nghd;w fhu;fspy; gtdp te;J-gq;fshf;fspy; FbapUg;gtu; rpyNu. euk;gpy; XLk; FUjpapid Ntu;itahf;fp tPLfspy; fhu; Xl;LjYk;> fpsPdpq; NtiyapYk;> fl;bl Ntiy> ypg;l; Mg;gNul;lu;> vyf;l;up\d;> N`hl;ly; ru;tu; Nghd;w mbkl;l Ntiy nra;Ak; gbf;fhj ,isQu;fs; jhd; mjpfk; vd;why; kpifahfhJ? ehd; 1979 Mk; Mz;L rpq;fg;G+u; nrd;wNghJ vdf;Fj; njupe;jtu; xU N`hl;lypy; kPd; fOtpf; nfhz;bUe;jhu;. gpd;G kNyrpah nrd;wNghJ ,d;ndhU njupe;jtu; jdJ jiyf;F xU jiyaiz $l ,y;yhJ cl;fhUk; kuf;fl;ilapid itj;J gLj;jpUe;jhu;. ,dndhU epfo;r;rp vd;id cz;ikapNy xU fzk; cYf;fp tpl;lJ. vq;fs; CUf;F mUfpy; cs;s Cupy; kNyrpah rGu;Msp vd;W ngUikNahL tyk; te;jtu;-mtu; nrhe;j ge;jq;fs; vy;yhk; trjpNahL tho;gtu;fs;;. mtUf;F Rfu; te;J xU fhiy Kdq;fhYf;Ff; fPNo vLf;fg;gl;ljhy; CUf;F tUtjpw;F $r;rg;gl;L tho;tjpw;fhf xU rhg;gpq; fhk;sf;]; mUfpy; ifNae;jpf; nfhz;bUe;jhu;.
mNj Nghd;W ehd; 2001 Mk; Mz;L mnkupf;fh nrd;wNghJ gpupkhz;l;by; ehd; fy;Y}up Mrpupadhf ,Ue;j mjpuhk;gl;;;lzj;jpidr;rhu;e;j xUtiur; re;jpj;Njd;. mtu; gp.v];.]p gbj;jtu;> kidtpAk; trjpahdf; FLk;gj;jpy; gpwe;jtu;. mtuplk; vd;d Ntiy nra;fpwPu;fs; vd;Nwd;. mjw;F mtu; mq;Fs;s cLg;gp N`hl;lypy; ru;tuhf ,Ug;gjhfTk; Mapuk; lhyu; nfhLg;gjhTk; $wpdhu;. Kidtp Tw;GWj;jyhy; ,e;j Ntiy ghu;g;gjhfr; nrhd;dhu;. ,itfis Vd; ,q;F Fwpg;gpLfpNwd; vd;why; kdpjDf;F khdj;NjhL thOk; ek;gpf;iff; FiwAk; NghJ ,J Nghd;w gupjhgkhd epfo;Tfs; elf;fpd;wd. ,e;jpahtpy; $l vj;jidNah egu;fs; CdKw;whYk; gbj;J lhf;lu;-vd;[pdpau;-KJfiy gl;lk; ngw;WK;-,d;Dk; $il-Nru; gpd;Dk; njhopy; Kidtu;fshfTk; ,Uf;Fk; NghJ ehk; ek;gpf;if ,of;fyhkh? MfNt ek;gpf;if gonkhopfshd jd; ifNa jdf;Fjtp-cd;dhy; KbAk; jk;gp-tho;f;if xU vjpu; ePr;ry; mjpy; ePe;jp te;jtd; jhd; tho;thd; Nghd;witfis tUq;fhy ,isQu;fSf;Fg; Nghjpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
gbj;j ,isQu;fSf;F cyfpy; Ntiy tha;g;G tUq;fhyq;fspy; kpfTk; gpufhrkhf ,Ug;gJ fbzk;. ,g;NghJ $l Jgha;-rpq;fg;G+u; Nghd;w ,lq;fspy; Ntiy ghu;j;j ekJ ,isQu;fs; Ntiyapd;wp CUf;F te;J Ntiy NjLk; glyj;jpidj; njhlq;fp cs;sdu;. mtu;fSf;f ehd; nrhy;Ytnjy;yhk; ‘ifj;njhopy; xd;iwf; fw;Wf;nfhs; ftiyg;glhky; tho;e;J nfhs;’ vd;gJ jhd. vq;fs; Cu; ,isahq;Fbapy; Njhypy; kzpgu;];> igfs;> Nfd;th]; #l; Nf];fs; nra;Ak; njhopy; Fbirj;njhopy; Nghy ,Ue;jJ. Mdhy; mitfisnay;yhk; vg;gb ntspehLfSf;F Nghl;bfSf;fpilNa Vw;Wkjp nra;tJ vd;w toptif njupahjjhy; mitfnsy;yhk; eype;J tpl;ld. Mdhy; mNj njhopiy ,d;W nrd;idapy; nra;J ntspehl;L Vw;Wkjpapidg; ngw;wtu;fs; yhgfukhf elj;jp tUfpwhu;fs; vd;why; kWf;f KbahJ. jpz;Lf;fy;ypy; Njhy;tpahghuk; nfhbfl;b gwg;gjpid midtUk; mwptu;. Mdhy; mNj Njiy gjg;gLj;jp nrUg;GfshfTk;> ]_f;fshfTk;> ifg;igfshfTk;> #l; Nf];fshfTk;> ngy;l;fshf nra;Ak; njhopiy ntw;wpfukhf elj;Jk; Af;jp thzpak;ghb> Mk;G+u;> Nky;tprhuk;> Nguzhk;Ngl;> uhzpg;Ngl;il Nghd;w Cupy; cs;stu;fs; mwpe;J Mapuf;fzf;fhd kf;fSf;F Ntiy nfhLg;gNjhLkl;Lky;yhky;-n[u;kdp> ,j;jhyp> gpuhd;];> ,q;fpyhe;J Nghd;w ehLfSf;F Vw;Wkjp nra;J md;dpar;nrythzpia ms;spf; Ftpf;fpd;wdu;. Vd; mNj njhopiy jpz;Lf;fypy; ,Uf;Fk; Njhy; tpahghupfs; rpe;jpf;ff; $lhJ.
Cjhuzjjpw;F ehlhu; [d kf;fis vLj;Jf; nfhs;Sq;fs. gioa Ngg;gu;fs;-fhyp ghl;by;> ,Uk;Gfs; thq;f ,U rf;fu-%d;W rf;fu tz;bfspYk; njUj; njUthf mistjpidg; ghu;f;fpNwk;. Mdhy; mtu;fs; gioa nghUl;fis thq;FtNjhL epd;W tpLtjpy;iy. mjid juk; gpupj;J gioa Ngg;gu;fis ml;il nra;Ak; ,ae;jpuj;jpy; nfhLj;J ml;ilfshf;fp tpLfpd;wdu;. gioa ,Uk;Gfis cUf;fp-];By; gl;liwapy; nfhLj;J ghj;jpuk; nra;Ak; njhopYk; <Lgl;L njhopy; nra;fpd;wdu;. Vd; mNugpahtpw;F ehk; gy;NtW Ntiyf;fhfTk;-Gdpj flik epiwNtw;Wtjw;fhfTk; nrd;W tpjtpjkhd NguPj;jk; gyq;fis thq;fp te;J cw;whu;-cwtpdUf;Ff; nfhLj;J kfpo;fpNwhk;. Mdhy; mNj NguPj;jk; goj;jpid ,wf;Fkjp nra;J juk; gpupj;J ghf;fl;bYk;-[_rhfTk; tpw;gid nra;Ak; njhopiyAk; ehk; fz;$lhfg; ghu;f;fpNwhk;.
ehd; mjpuhk;gl;bzf; fy;Y}upapy; Ntiyapy; ,Uf;Fk; NghJ vq;F jpUk;gpdhYk; njd;idj; Njhg;Gfisf; fhz;Ngd;. mjpy; tpisAk; Njq;fhia yhupyhupahf gy;NtW efuq;fSf;F tpw;gidf;fhf mDg;Gtu;. Mdhy; njd;id kuk; mjpfy;yhj J}j;Jf;Fbapy; Njq;fha; vz;nza; jahupj;J ghl;bypy; milj;J tpw;gid nra;Ak;;rhiyfs; mjpfk;. mNj njd;id ehWfis fapWfshfj; jpupj;Jk;-tpupg;GfshTk;;-fhy; kpjpfshfTk; nra;Ak; njhopy; <Nuhby; mjpfk;. mitfisNa Vd; mjpuhk;gl;bzj;jpy; njd;de;Njhg;G mjpgu;fs nra;J mq;Fs;s kf;fSf;F Ntiy tha;g;G mspf;ff;$lhJ? mq;Fs;s cg;gs tsj;jpid itj;J lhl;lh epWtdk;Nghy mNahil];L cg;Gj; njhopy; njhlq;fyhNk. flw;fiu Cu;fspy; kPd;-fUthL tpw;Fk; tpahghupfshfj;jhd; cs;sdu;. me;j kPd;fis ntspa+u;fSf;Fk;-Nfush khepyk; Nghd;W mDg;ghky; me;je;j Cu;fspNy Vd; kPd; gjdpLk; Miy Vw;gLj;jp mq;Fs;s kf;fSf;F Ntiy tha;g;Gf; nfhLf;ff;$lhJ. rPdhtpy; xU gonkhop cz;L. ‘grpj;jtDf;F tWj;j kPidf; nfhLf;fhNj-khwhf mtd; kPd; gpbj;J mjd; %yk; tho;T elj;j xU J}z;by; Ks; nfhLj;J kPidg; gpbf;ff; fw;Wf; nfhL’ vd;W. MfNt gz;bif fhyq;fspy; jhdk;> ju;kk; nra;tjpid tpl ,J Nghd;w njhopy;fspy; mtu;fSf;F Ntiy nfhLj;J ViofSf;F epue;ju tUkhdj;jpidj; juyhk;.
Nfhit njhopy; mjpgu; [p.b. ehAL xU rhjhuz tptrhap. mtu; vg;gb fhu; nkf;fhdpf; Ntiy ghu;j;J gyNtW fhu;-Nkhl;lhu; cjpupg;ghfq;fs; jahupf;Fk; njhopy; mjpguhdhu; vd;W midtUk; mwpe;jNj. Mdhy; mtu; xU kUe;Jf; fk;ngdp mjpguhdJ ngUk;ghyhNdhUf;Fj; njupe;jpuhJ. xU jlit mtu; taypy; cOJ nfhz;L ,Ue;jNghJ NygpNyhL $ba xU kUe;J fhyp ghl;bypidf; fz;lhu;. ehkhf ,Ue;jhy; mjid J}u vwpe;J tpLNthk;. Mdhy; mtu; mij vLj;J me;j kUe;Jf; fk;ngdp tpyhrj;jpw;F fbjk; vOjp mjid jahupf;Fk; cupkKk; ngw;whu;. Vd; [g;ghdpau; nghk;ik tpahghuj;jpw;F ngau; ngw;wtu;fs; vd;why;-J}f;fp tPrg;gl;l fhyp lg;ghitf; $l tplhky; mjpy; jq;fs; if tz;zq;fshy; mitfis midtUk; urpf;Fk; nghk;ikfshf Mf;fp tpw;W tpLfpd;wdu;.
vq;fs; Ciur;Rw;wp Vuhskhd muprp Miyfs; mjpfk;. Mdhy; ney;ypypUe;J gpupf;fg;gLk; jtpL-ckpapidf; nfhz;L <NuhL> Nryk;> ehkf;fy;> Nfhit Nghd;w khtl;lq;fspy; khl;Lj; jPtzk;> Nfhopj; jPtzk;> Mapy;> Nrhg;> td];gjp jahupf;fpwhu;fs; vd;gjpid rpy fhyq;fSf;F Kd;du; jhNd mwptu;. ,Ue;jhYk; ,d;Dk; jhq;fNs me;jj; njhopiyj; njhlq;fhJ mtu;fSf;F jtpL> ckpfis tpw;Fk; tpahghupahfNt cs;sdu; vd;why; Mr;rupakhf ,y;iyah?
K];ypk;fs; thOk; Cu;fspy; viofs;. Tpjitj; jha;khu;fs; ,l;yp> ,bahg;gk; Rl;L tpw;gjpidAk;> Njhir> ,l;yp khthl;b mjid tpw;tjpidAk; mwpNthk;. mNjNghd;W ekJ jha;khu;fs; kPd; krhyh> fup krhyh> mg;gsk;> CWfha; jahupg;gjpy; rpwe;jtu;fs;. Mdhy; mtu;fisnay;yhk; xUq;fpizj;J rf;jp krhyh Nghd;w epWtdk; nubkpf;]; czT gz;lq;fisj; njhlq;fp Vd; ekJ ngz;fSf;F Ntiyapidf; nfhLf;ff; $lhJ. Ra njhopy; njhlq;ff;$l muR khdpak; mspf;fg; gLfpwNj.
ek;kpy; rpyu; gk;gha;> F[uhj;> nly;yp Nghd;w efuq;fspy; nubNkl; Jzpfis thq;fp Vw;Wkjpapy; <LgLfpd;wdu;. Vd; mtu;fNs Jzpfshf thq;fp ijay; ,ae;jpuq;fshy; ngz;fs; cjtpahy; ijj;J ntspehl;Lf;F mDg;gf; $lhJ. K];ypk;fspy; fPof;fiu> fhay; gl;bzk; Nghd;w Cupidr; rhu;e;jtu;fs; jq;f eif tpahghuk; nra;fpwhu; efuq;fspy;. mjpy; tpw;fg;gLk; eiffis tbtikf;f Vd; me;j Cupidr;rhu;e;j kf;fSf;F gapw;rp nfhLj;J mtu;fSf;F Xu; Ntiy tha;g;gpid cz;lhf;ff; $lhJ. mJNghd;W cw;gj;jpapy; <Lgl;l jpUg;g+u; ,d;W nry;Tk; nfhopf;Fk; efukhfj; jpfo;fpwNj. Kk;igapy; May; njhopypy; <Lgl;l jd; je;ijapid tpl gy gbf;F Nky; nrd;W kpd;nghUs; jahupf;Fk; tpg;Nuh epWtdj;jpid M]pk; gpNuk;[p epWtp 2008-2009 Mk; Mz;L 19 rjtPj yhgj;jpid <l;b &gha;1162 Nfhb rk;ghjpj;jpUf;fpwhu; vd;why; ghUq;fNsd;.. vd; fy;Y}up ez;gu; mkPu; mg;Jy; fhju; fle;j thuk; jd; nrhe;j Cuhd fPof;fiu nrd;W te;jhu; mtiu eyk; tprhupf;Fk; NghJ> mtu; nrhd;dhu.; jdJ}upy; mwptpj;j kpd;ntl;L ,uz;L kzpNeuk;-mwptpf;fhj kpd;ntl;L gy jlit vd;whu;. flw;fiu efuq;fs; fhw;Wk; ntapYk; mjpfkhf ,Uf;Fk;. MfNt kpd; gw;whf; Fiwapidg; Nghf;f Vd; Nrhyhu; fUtpfis cw;gj;jp nra;J kpd; tprpwp. Tpsf;F> Vd; Nkhl;lhupy; jz;zPu; ,iwf;ff; $l toptFf;ff; $lhJ. muNr khdpak; toq;FfpwNj. flY}u; khtl;lj;jpy; fhupakq;fyk; vd;w Cu; gQ;rhaj;jpd; kpd; Njitfis Nrhyhu; vdu;[p *yk; fpilf;fg; ngw;w ,e;jpahtpy; Kjy; fpuhk gQ;rhaj;jhfj; jpfo;e;J [dhjpgjpapd; gupirAk; jl;br;nrd;wNj. gzk; gilj;jtu;fs; jhd; kl;Lk; ,d;ntu;l;lu;> n[d;n[l; Nghl;Lf; nfhz;L tho;tjpid tpl;L ViofSf;Fk; cjTkhW nra;ayhNk1
ekJ}upy; khl;L tz;bfspYk;> js;S tz;LfspYk; Rj;jpfupf;fhj jz;zPu; rg;is nra;tijg; ghu;f;fyhk;. mjdhy; gNahupah Nghd;w jz;zPu; rk;ge;jkhd Neha;fs; gut topfs; Vw;gLk;. MfNt thl;lu; Rj;jpfupj;J nghJkf;fSf;F rg;is nra;Ak; Miyfis epWtyhk;. ek;kpy; rpkpz;l; njhopy; mjpgu;fs; khdhkJiu ahrpd; rpkpz;l;]; Nghd;w xU rpyu; ,Uf;fyhk;. Mdhy; me;jj; njhopiyj; njhlq;fpa uhk;Nfh> ,e;jpad; rpkpz;l;];> rq;fu; rpkpz;l;]; Nghd;wtu;fnsy;yhk; rhg;l;Ntu; njhopy; ,wq;fpas;sdu;. Vd; murpay; thjpahf ,Ue;J fy;tpahsuhf khwpa N[g;gpahu; nub fpuhty; kpf;]; njhopy; nra;fpwhu;. ehd; mjpuhk;gl;bzk; fy;Y}upapy; Ntiy ghu;j;jNghJ ,Ue;j jkpo; Nguhrpupau; ehfu;Nfhtpiyr;rhu;e;jtu; mrd; mtu;fs; Xa;T ngw;w gpd;G vd;idr; re;jpf;f te;jhu;. mtuplk; ,g;NghJ vd;d nra;fpwPu;fs; vd;W Nfl;Nld;. mjw;F mtu; fd;ahFkup gFjpapy; kPd; gpbg;gjpw;fhd tiyfs; nrd;idapypUe;J jhd thq;fpdhu;fs;. Vd; ehKk; mNjNghd;w kPd; gpb tiyapid jahupf;ff; $lhJ vd;W Nahrpj;J kPd; tiy jahupfFk; njhopy; ehfu;Nfhtpy; ghu;tjpGuj;jpy; njhlq;fpAs;Nsd;-mjpy; me;jg; gFjpapidr; rhu;e;j 20 egu;fSf;F Ntiy nfhLj;Js;Nsd;-mq;fpUe;J nrd;idf;F tpw;gidAk; nra;fpNwd; vd;whu;. mNjNghd;W nrd;id kpd;l; muR gpu]; vjpu;Gwk; eu;rup nrbfs; cs;sjhf mwpe;J mq;F nrdNwd;. mjid elj;jp tUgtu; KgPd; uh[h vd;w 30taJ ,isQu;. mtuplk; vg;gb ,e;j njhopYf;F te;jPu;fs; vd;Nwd;. jhd; Njdpiar; rhu;e;jtd; vd;Wk;> eu;rupr; nrbfs; thq;fp tpw;W tUe;jjhfTk;> mjd; gpd;G mit ngq;fSupypUe;J tufpwJ vd;W mq;Nf nrd;wjhfTk;. mq;Nf nrd;why; eurup nrbfnsy;yhk; jkpo;ehl;by; x#upypUe;J tUfpwJ vd;Wk; mwpe;Njd;. MfNf x#Uf;F nrd;wjhfTk; mq;Nf jsp vd;w ,lj;jpy; eu;rup nrbfs; gaplg;gl;ljpid mwpe;J mq;NfNa ,uz;L Vf;fiu yP]; vLj;J jhNd eu;rupr; nrbfs; gapUl;L ,d;W kJiu> Njdp> ngq;fSu;> nrd;id Nghd;w ,lq;fspy; eu;rup fhu;ld;fs; elj;Jtjhfr;nrhd;dhu;.(jspapid ypl;by; ,q;fpyhe;J vd;W Mq;fpNyau; mioj;jhu;fs; vd;W ehd; mq;F v];.gpahf ,Ue;jNghJ mwpNtd;). ,jid Vd; ,q;F Fwpg;gpLfpNwndd;why; ve;jj;njhopYk; Nftykpy;iy-mJ nrhe;jj;njhopyhf mika Ntz;Lk;. fUthL tpw;w fhR ehwhJ vd;gjpid midtUk; mwptu;. mNjNghd;W khe;Njhg;Gfis itj;jpUg;gtu;fs; khk;goq;fis tpw;Fk; ntWk; tpahghupfshf my;yhJ-khk;go [_];-khq;fha; CWfha; Nghd;witfs; fpU\;zfpup khtl;lq;fspy; jahupg;gJ Nghy jahupg;gpy; <Lglyhk;. Vd; ntWk; fhu;l;Ntu; tpahghuj;jpid fhyq;fhykhf nra;ahJ me;jf; fhu;LNtu;-ngapd;l; Nghd;witfisj; jahupf;Fk; njhopYk; <LglNtz;Lk;.
Vd; twz;l khtl;lq;fspy; fhl;Lf; fUit Ks;kuj;jpid ntl;b fup%l;lk; Nghl;L mjid tpw;gidf;F ntspa+u;fSf;F mDg;GtJ me;j khtl;lj;jpidr; rhu;e;jtu;fs; mwptu;. Mdhy; me;jf; fupapid gad;gLj;jp kpd;rhuk;;> fpuhigl>; ngd;rpy; vOJk; nghUSf;Fk>; kpy;fSf;F vup nghUshfTk; cgNahfpf;fpwhu;fs; vd;gjpid mwpe;jtu; rpyNu. kJiuapidr;rhu;e;j XUtu; nju;ky; vdu;[p nrhYrd; buq;f; ngl;b Nghd;w fup mLg;gpid fz;L gpbj;Js;shu;. mjpy; GifNa tuhJ vd;w jftYk; cs;sJ. Vd; me;jg; gFjpapidr;rhu;e;j ek;ktu; mNjNghd;w njhopy;fspy; <Lglf;$lhJ? rpwpa njhopy; njhlq;Ftjpw; bf;(jkpo;ehL njhopy; KjyPl;Lf; fofk;) rpl;gp(rpW njhopy; Kd;Ndw;w tq;fp) Nghd;w epWtdq;fs; nghUs; cjtp nra;fpd;wdu;. rpy njhopy;fspy; rg;irb vd;w muR rYiffSk;-Vw;Wkjp nghUs;fSf;F buhNgf; vd;w rYiffSk; cs;sd. cyfpNyNa rPdh ehL 12 rjtPj Vw;Wkjpapid vl;b Kjy; ,lj;jpYk; mjw;F mLj;j gbahf ,e;jpah 10.8 rjtPj Vw;WkjpapidAk; njhl;L tpl;lJ.
,iwtd; ekf;F ,uz;L iffis kl;Lk; nfhLf;ftpy;iy-khwhf me;jf; iffspy; gj;J tpuy;fisAk; nfhLj;jJ Nghy-kdpjd; Kd;Ndw;wk; miltjpw;F gy topfs; cs;sd. mitfspy; gyUf;F cjtf;$ba njhopy;fis me;je;j gFjpw;Nfw;g Muk;gpj;jhy; epr;rakhf ehis ekjhfhjh?
From: Akbar Batcha <>
Sent: Thu, October 29, 2009 3:13:40 PM
Subject: நாளை நமதா?
Sent: Thu, October 29, 2009 3:13:40 PM
Subject: நாளை நமதா?
Dear Sir,
Assalamu Alaikkum
I read your article on subject context and impressed of your micro level thinking in developing our society. I believe the issue is more about awareness coupled with education. The thinking level of our society in general is not progressive and long term objectives oriented. It is all about short term benefits which results often in fire fighting. We need to have both short term as well as long term benefits, which is possible through social awareness programs at village level.
I believe with your capacity and like minded personalities the awareness program is possible. I would help whatever possible from me.
With best wishes,
Akbar Batcha
MaxVision International FZ LLC.
108, Building 9,Dubai Media City ,
P. O. Box 6727 , Dubai
United Arab
Akbar Batcha
MaxVision International FZ LLC.
108, Building 9,
United Arab
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To: | Mohamed Ali <> | |
Wa Alaykum Wassalam
Thanks brother your article is really valuable for society.
Keep in touch with me.
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Cc: | Muduvai Hidayath <> | |
From: | A. Mohammad Alavudeen <> View Contact | |
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Assalamu Alaikkum Sir,
I am A. Mohammad Alavudeen and working in Emirates Airlines in Dubai . How are you sir?. The below mail really good and will encourage our youth to think about their willingness.
Thank you very much.
A. Mohammad Alavudeen | Cash Control | Finance & Risk Management | Emirates Group
(: +9714-7083176 | 6: +9714-2864132 | *:
(: +9714-7083176 | 6: +9714-2864132 | *:
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Walaikkum wassalam
Really a thought provoking article.
Peer Mohamed
Mohamed Salih Noohu Sahib <> ![]() View Contact | ||
To: | iman | |
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Dear and respected sir, Salam. First of all kind, please accept my warmest greetings with highest regards to your goodselves and all of your family members. Your write up is not only encouraging the youths, but also inspiring all the age groups. We sincerely hope that the manifestation of your distinguished guidance and tireless efforts will drive us to reach the ever greater triumphs in all respects. Every one intends to extend their whole hearted support to drive our community towards light. But individual fail since single hand won’t sound good. May almighty allah bless you with all the strength, courage, good health and longevity. In fact, I do sincerely wish to join hand with your goodselves.. Best Regards, Thivan .B.E., M.B.A., Sr.Construction Manager - MEP |
Saluting your efforts
From: | Abdul Rauf Baqavi <> View Contact | |
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Assalamu Alaikum!
I am Kanchi Abdul Rauf Baqavi, A Moulavi and the translator of IFT Tamil Quran and Sahihul Bukhari of Rahmath Trust. Now living retired life after coming back from UAE finishing my job of Translator and Interpreter after giving my two daughters in wedlock to educated guys hailing from decent families.
I read your article on self employment to encourage our youth. It is not only useful to our youth but also beneficial to our elders. I regularly read your articles because they are really thought provoking and aimed to improve our community's pathetic condition. I admire your laudable efforts to uplift our community educationally ecomically and socially. Very few intellectuals are found like you in our community who care for its well being and put their efforts for the same even in their life span of retirement.This shows your social conscience and it really deserves a lot of appreciation and admiration. May Allah the Almighty shower His blessings on you and your family.
It will be very kind of you if you send your cell no as I have many things to discuss with you about various social matters. My cell no is 9952281850
in Anticaipation of your kind response,
Abdul Rauf Baqavi
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As salamu alikum
Your article on Self Employment is very thought provoking.
As you narrated our society must give importance to Education at first.
I wanted to share my experience with you Sir.
I was born in a middle class family. My father was a postal clerk and my mother was an home maker.
My father made me realised the importance of Education. I was dreaming to be become Doctor but I took Agriculture in my college studuies.
I was doing my studies even after the retirement of my father from his service.
I realised what is poverty and that time the bank loans were not in offing as in now a days.
On completion of the course in 1979 I got my job at my native taluk - Mannargudi.
I was not satisfied with the Government job and the bossism played in that Agricultural Department.
I wrote several Banking Service Recruitment Board Examinations and got selected in the year 1982 to one of a Nationalised Bank -
Syndicate Bank.
During these period I 've got married and my wife is a B.Ed graduate. It was a difficult task to get a job for her during 1980s.
So, we decided not to waste her (our) talent and started a small nursery school in the year 1994.
Masha allah! Now, we have 500 students and we are being accredited one of the best school available locally to the people living around us.
I resigned my lucrative bank job during May ' 09 and joined with my wife to look after the school.
Now I am singing the rhymes with them, dancing with them for the tunes and teaching the small kids.
During my bank job, I have not seen any enterpreneralship in the minds of Muslim brethern.
Even in our school, we have experienced with our Muslim mothers wanted not to be very strict with their children and told the reason that
they are about to leave this country to UAE or some other after all as their father did.
The mindset of the mothers of Muslim community has to be changed at first.
Insha allah I 'll contact you later.
As salamu alikum
Your article on Self Employment is very thought provoking.
As you narrated our society must give importance to Education at first.
I wanted to share my experience with you Sir.
I was born in a middle class family. My father was a postal clerk and my mother was an home maker.
My father made me realised the importance of Education. I was dreaming to be become Doctor but I took Agriculture in my college studuies.
I was doing my studies even after the retirement of my father from his service.
I realised what is poverty and that time the bank loans were not in offing as in now a days.
On completion of the course in 1979 I got my job at my native taluk - Mannargudi.
I was not satisfied with the Government job and the bossism played in that Agricultural Department.
I wrote several Banking Service Recruitment Board Examinations and got selected in the year 1982 to one of a Nationalised Bank -
Syndicate Bank.
During these period I 've got married and my wife is a B.Ed graduate. It was a difficult task to get a job for her during 1980s.
So, we decided not to waste her (our) talent and started a small nursery school in the year 1994.
Masha allah! Now, we have 500 students and we are being accredited one of the best school available locally to the people living around us.
I resigned my lucrative bank job during May ' 09 and joined with my wife to look after the school.
Now I am singing the rhymes with them, dancing with them for the tunes and teaching the small kids.
During my bank job, I have not seen any enterpreneralship in the minds of Muslim brethern.
Even in our school, we have experienced with our Muslim mothers wanted not to be very strict with their children and told the reason that
they are about to leave this country to UAE or some other after all as their father did.
The mindset of the mothers of Muslim community has to be changed at first.
Insha allah I 'll contact you later.
2009/10/29 Muduvai Hidayath <>
Assalamu allaikum
mustaffa kamal <>
Date: 2009/10/30
Subject: Re: நாளை நமதா? - ஏ.பி. முஹம்மது அலி ஐ.பி.எஸ். (ஓய்வு)
Date: 2009/10/30
Subject: Re: நாளை நமதா? - ஏ.பி. முஹம்மது அலி ஐ.பி.எஸ். (ஓய்வு)
I have seen the article published by Mr.Md.Ali.Very useful for everyone,I could understand his concern.I wish to clarify by some examples. Trading is profitable than manufacturing.Example Gold selling shops (Trading business).How many gold smiths are popular to us but gold traders are enjoying more profit than producers.Like wise many medium broking business is more profitable and less risks.Some areas have chance to produce coconuts.Other areas have knowledge to en cash,other source like producing oil.Earlier our Muslims concentrated on religious studies.Now not like that.We can see lot of Keralites involving hotel business in small and medium level.We can not feel for them not entering five star level.They can earn these level. Muslims have too much confusion about business,whether it is halal or haram.First they have crystal clear decision before do any business.Because I had on line share trading few years back.Some of our relatives commented like that.I am very keen to start sharia complied loan,but risk assessment and capital requirement causing me to concern. Wassalm, M.MUSTAFFA KAMAL BURJ | |||
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Dear Mr. Mohammed Ali, Asslamu Alaikkum
A short note to thank you for sparing your invaluable time to write this kind of society care articls, it was well informative. Almighty of allh will reward your good self for all your community welfare activities Insha allah.
A short note to thank you for sparing your invaluable time to write this kind of society care articls, it was well informative. Almighty of allh will reward your good self for all your community welfare activities Insha allah.
Kind regards,
Mubarak Saleem
Head of Sales & Marketing
Diners Club International
Tel : +966 2 652 0020 Ext. 403
Fax : +966 2 652 0040
Email :
Web : www.dinersclubsaudi." <> View Contact | ||
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Dear Sir.,
It is very nice article which motivate our community.
I hereby offer my talent to share our people in the field of shipping &
if any one wants to learn about those subject..they are welcome and they
can contact me thru
Please pass.
Really appreciate your concern towards our community. insha allah you will
get reward from almighty.
Thanks & Regards
Jawahar Ismath M.I.C.S (
Institute of chartered ship brokers
BASF Fze - Logistics Dept.
Phone: Dir. +971 4- 8072115 Off . +971 4 8838773,
Fax: +971 4-8836787, E-Mail:
Postal Address: BASF FZE, 10th R/About Jebel Ali FreeZone Dubai, UAE
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